Thursday, May 28, 2009

And there it goes, folks....

In my last post I said there might be a rant depending on my day and that time has come....

only about 3 hours into the day and already I've gotten some really dumb questions. My favorite one that I've gotten a few times this morning is "Are any of these computers on?" which would be a completely valid question if it weren't for that fact that at least one of these scenarios have occurred before the question:
1. The person has walked in and spent at least 5 mins walking to each computer and messing with it to see if its in sleep mode.
2. The person sat down at one computer and just stared at it for a few mins likes it supposed to pick up on their brain waves or something (which knowing these people, their brain waves couldn't get an abacus to work)

I mean seriously people...I know this is Robeson county but come the fuck on. If the computer screen is black, none of the monitor or CPU lights are on, and you sit there banging on keys for 10 mins like a neanderthal smashing a rock and get no response, what would that tell you?
It may just be me personally but I know that every time i sit down at a computer and there is nothing on the screen, the first thing I check is to SEE IF THE FUCKING POWER IS ON!!!!
Luckily, its this general lack of common sense at this school that keeps me employed. If all of these people suddenly decided to evolve past their basic primate stages then we wouldn't need lab assistants anymore, would we?

Now I'm not saying that everyone here is dumb because there are some regulars that I can actually have a decent conversation with. All I'm saying is that the people worth talking to here are in the minority.

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