Friday, May 22, 2009


After a week of sitting at home playing video games Ive come to the realization that I need more games. The only game I own that I haven't beaten numerous times is Legend of Dragoon so that's on my to-do list today. Hopefully sometime next week Ill be able to get some LAN Half-Life going with a few friends which will kick ass. Its been awhile since Ive pwned anyone. I'm a beast at that game, especially if I get my hands on a crossbow.
Anyways, I'm actually starting to miss work. While it is true that all I do at work is sit at a computer, which is exactly what I've been doing at home, the point behind it is that I'm in a different location. Staring at the same 4 falls day after day gets a little monotonous so im looking forward to a change of pace.

1 comment:

  1. Trust me, you don't want to come back to work yet!!! HAHA!
