Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Rant for a new year.

On my way to work this morning I ended up listening to Dreamer by Ozzy and it got me thinking. What he sings about in this song is something that people have been asking for years since the big hippie movement. For people to get along, help each other, and to start taking care of our home. Now thats something I too believe in and while in the past I have been called a hippie because of my "perfect world" ideals, I honestly have to say thats not true because of this one, simple fact:


Now there are normally two ways people address this and in return I shall address their responses.

1. "How can you say you want to see a peaceful future and want to see union in humanity when you yourself hate people?"

Answer: I would love to see a better world in the future and i do think that humanity has it in them to do it, just not right now. I dont hate people because of who they are, i hate them because of the way they are. In todays society greed, violence, and ignorance run rampant. This is the first change that needs to be made if we have any bit of hope for the future.

2. "Its not right to hate people! What makes you so much better than anyone else."

Answer: I am aware of that but its also not right living your life blind to the truth. And I dont think im better than anyone else, just smarter, wiser, and more intune to the truth behind truths.

so that being said, I hope people who read this will talk a good hard look at themselves and those around them and reailize what needs to be done.

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